
Dental Crowns

Restorative, Cosmetic & Implant Dentistry in Willowbrook, IL

Dental Crowns
Dental Crowns services offered in Willowbrook, IL

If you have broken, damaged, or vulnerable teeth, you may benefit from dental crowns, artificial teeth that cap your existing teeth to restore and protect them. For comprehensive care with an experienced provider, schedule a consultation with Ausrine Schneider, DDS, at Distinctive Dental in Willowbrook, Illinois. Protect your teeth by booking your visit online or over the phone today. 

Dental Crowns Q&A

What are dental crowns?

Dental crowns are tooth-shaped caps that cover and protect vulnerable teeth from the top to the gum line. Crowns can restore teeth that are:

  • Broken
  • Cracked
  • Worn 
  • Brittle
  • Permanently stained

Crowns also repair teeth ravaged by tooth decay, restoring their function and protecting them from future damage. They can also cover a vulnerable tooth after a root canal, cover dental implants, or support dental bridges — artificial teeth that bridge the gap between missing teeth.

What happens during a dental crown placement?

At Distinctive Dental, led by Dr. Schneider, dental crown placement is quick and easy. When you visit Distinctive Dental for crown placement, Dr. Schneider begins by gently anesthetizing the area around where she performs her work.

Once she has ensured your comfort, she shaves down a small amount of the ailing tooth’s enamel so the crown will sit in line with your natural teeth. Next, Dr. Schneider takes an impression or a scan of your teeth, which she will send to a lab to create the perfect new tooth or teeth for your mouth.

After she takes the impression or scan, Dr. Schneider places a temporary crown on your newly altered tooth until your permanent crown arrives. This step typically only takes a week or two. When she places your permanent crown, Dr. Schneider ensures that it fits comfortably and securely, looks attractive, and blends in with the rest of your teeth.

How long do dental crowns last?

Typically, dental crowns last between five and 15 years, a period heavily influenced by the amount of wear and tear they accumulate. To help your crown sustain as long as possible, avoid behaviors that accelerate wear and tear, like:

  • Grinding or clenching your teeth
  • Biting your fingernails
  • Chewing ice
  • Opening packages with your teeth

Good oral hygiene is also important to practice, especially by brushing and flossing around where the crown meets your gums.

If your teeth are vulnerable, weakened by tooth decay, or damaged in some way, consider restoring and protecting them with dental crowns. To find out if dental crowns are the correct solution, book an appointment with Distinctive Dental online or over the phone today.